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Gers, Holidays in Gers


The Gers in France and in Occitanie

The Gers is a land in southwest France where it is pleasant to live and where you can enjoy great holidays. Nestled in the heart of the Gascony region, to the far west of the Occitanie region, the Gers has a lot to offer! It is the most rural region in France, but remains internationally renowned for its gastronomy, the charm of its rolling hills, which are covered with thousands of sunflowers during the summer, the quality and diversity of its architectural heritage; not to mention Gascony hospitality. The adjectives used to describe this welcoming area are tranquility, le savoir-vivre (knowing how to live well) and authenticity. Either on the D’Artagnan tracks, (D'Artagnan being the most famous of the musketeers) or on the pilgrimage trail to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, by bike on quiet, lonely roads, or by horse for unforgettable adventures, the Gers provides many opportunities for the holiday maker. From North to South and from East to West, it is a mixture of beautiful landscapes and gourmet eating

Larressingle Village

The rich bright valleys, dotted with rivers, boosted the development of a varied agriculture. The fields make a beautiful mosaic pattern across the countryside. The rocky soilsto the north of Armagnac produce vines, pride of the Gascons: they make wines, brandies, apéritifs... The hills of the central area are suitable for livestock farming where the “blonde d'Aquitaine” breed is reared, providing Gascony beef. Poultry (geese and ducks) are reared in the countryside before finding their way on to the plates of gourmets. It is also thanks to the spirit and the know-howof its inhabitants that the Gers is a rural tourist destination which is growing annually: there are farm house holidays, visits to vineyards, as well as the 3,500kms of hiking paths between ridges and valleys..."Slow tourism" (a tranquil holiday) is appreciated by the French who enjoy visiting this department, but it is also popular with international tourists

The vines in Gers

The Gers is a destination for countryside and food lovers, but it is also a heritage destination. There are picturesque towns and villages (AuchMontesquiouSamatanCondom...), character bastide towns (Saint-ClarMarciacGimontBarran...) which are decorated with beautiful stones; castles and atypical “castelnaux” (LavardensMauvezin...); abbeys and rural churches (LectoureLa Romieul'Isle-Jourdain...) You won’t be disappointed. Between the five most beautiful villages of France (FourcèsLarressingleLavardensMontréalSarrant), with beautiful floral displays (Castin, Castelnau-Barbarens...), the countless “marchés au gras” (duck and goose markets), traditional markets, and gourmet markets (EauzeMasseubeMirande...) which take place in the historic market halls… Hesitate no more! Take the time to discover and explore this attractive territory. The calm and quietness of the countryside is unique. Even at the height of summer, the sparcely populated Gers region brings a feeling of peace and relaxation.

Terrace of café, a morning in autumn in Eauze


The Gers (nicknamed small Tuscany) has a mild climate; this is one of the reasons agriculture and livestock farming has developed here. On the tourist side, it is a department that is visited all year round. If the Gascony inhabitants are used to heat in summer, the holidaymaker can seek the cool of the rivers and lakesIn winter, frost is rare and the periods between seasons are mild offering interesting landscapes of green during spring, then yellows, oranges and reds in autumn. The natural surroundings are beautiful in all seasons in this agricultural department.

The lush vegetation of Montréal-du-Gers

The sunshine in Gers brings in a lot of fans and is ideal for the production of solar energy. The department is listed “Territoire à Energie Positive pour la Croissance Verte” (Green energy land). The locals rightly celebrate this microclimate, facilitated by the influence of the Gulf of Gascony. The Autan wind, coming from the Mediterranean Sea, is not strong. The weather most feared in the Gers are the violent storms which can occur during the hot summers. The rivers, fed by the Pyrenean Basin, are always high, and sometimes, during the snowmelt, the rivers can be in flood. The water resources are very important in this agricultural land, and the irrigation benefits from the generous rainfall.

A little air of Tuscany in Montréal-du-Gers

History of GERS

There are many beautiful stories in Gers. The diversity of the species found in the rocks is the legacy of prehistoric times in Gers. The fossils discovered in an ancient jungle (in Montréal-du-Gers), date back 17 million years

A few thousands years later...during the 12th century and after many periods of trouble and conflict, a huge campaign of construction took place in Gers. Stone and brick built medieval buildings, castles and fortified keeps were built. Houses were built and hamlets became villages and towns. During these religious times, the road to Saint-Jacques de Compostelle also takes the same path as the Armagnac territories. The ancestral brandy became famous beyond French boundaries... During the 15th century, the aristocratic families created the extraordinary and legendary “Compagnie des cadets de Gascogne” (Captains of Gascony, a French regiment) by sending their youngest sons to provide loyal service to King Louis XIII. They were often fearless! The audacity, temerity and loyalty of these cadets received the favours of the King, giving them great influence. The womanising reputation, charisma and adventures of the musketeers created a cloak-and-dagger film and literary genre.

D'Artagnan Statue in Lupiac


Whatever your favourite mode of transport (walking, cycling, horse riding, in a gabarre or by car), take your time to discover the Gers. This is what gives the area such charm. No need to rush, you are far from the stresses of the big cities and overcrowded destinations. The Gers is, and always has been, a genuine treasure.

The territories of Gers

Guide du Gers and its principal territories 

The ultimate symbol of a rural department, the Gers is huge and at the edge of each hill (or nearly each hill) you can find a bastide town, a castelnau or a village. Prepare your itinerary or just follow your instincts on the “little road” which will lead you, certainly, to an unusual place.

Holidaying in Gersis a break with the daily routine. Although Gers is not an archaic land, it is the first rural department equipped with, nearly 100%, broadband! The hilly landscapes, the squares and 'halles', the patchwork fields, the castles, manoirs and imposing and stripped “Chartreuses” (Carthusians), bring calm and relaxation to the traveller.

There are many villages and medieval cities to be discovered in Gers. Fortunately here, quantity also means quality. There are many bell towers and all have a different story waiting to be told. A Gascony story is expressive, grandiose, heart warming and delicious... Follow the Guide du Gers through the 4 territories, for well organised holidays which will be full of surprises! Do not forget to check “our Favourites” section to discover the Gers and feel like a local! 

The beautiful heritage of Condom and Lavardens

Follow our Guide du Gers to enjoy all its assets and smoothly organise your trip: 

Cruising in Valence-sur-Baïse

The famous and delicious gastronomy of Gers

Mist in Castillon-Massas